17 research outputs found

    Preventing Web Browser From Cyber Attack

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    Web browser has become a widely used platform for connecting and interacting people or organization with cyberspace. By using the web browser, we can share all the information, and now we can make transaction and pay our bills online. To users, they have to be careful when using internet and web browser to make all the transactions involved money as we know there are some vulnerabilities appear in web browser. This paper provides the discussion of the vulnerabilities appear in Firefox and Internet Explorer browser. It begins by providing an overview of web browser and describes what it is, how it is works, most popular web browser and common vulnerabilities found in web browser that can be used by hackers to attack the system. The paper then proposes some countermeasures to prevent the web browser from cyber attack

    Development of a single honeypot system interface

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    Networking is crucial to any organization which interconnecting systems all around the globe. However, networking is exposed to the increase of threats that have been detected which reducing the organization’s security level.Perpetrators of cybercrime will take this advantage to exploit other systems in their network.To enhance the security level of networking, Honeypot technology has been created to detect the unauthorized use of network.This paper focuses on development of batch files that execute a normal computer as a Honeypot. The main goal of this system is to capture information on every network attacks.Technically, this paper will guide user in Honeypot configuration process

    Comparison New Algorithm Modified Euler Based on Harmonic-Polygon Approach for Solving Ordinary Differential Equation

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    There are many benefits to improve Euler scheme for solving the Ordinary Differential Equation problems. Among the benefits are simple implementation and low-cost computation. However, the problem of accuracy in the Euler scheme persuades scholar to use the complex method. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to show the development of a new modified Euler scheme that improves the accuracy of the Polygon scheme in various step sizes. The implementation of the new scheme is by using the Polygon scheme and then Harmonic mean concept that is called the Harmonic-Polygon scheme. This Harmonic-Polygon scheme can provide new advantages more than the Euler scheme could offer by solving Ordinary Differential Equation problem. Four set of problems are solved via Harmonic-Polygon. Findings showed that new scheme or Harmonic-Polygon scheme can produced much better accuracy result

    Statistical Validation of ACO-KNN Algorithm for Sentiment Analysis

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    This research paper aims to propose a hybrid of ant colony optimization (ACO) and k-nearest neighbour (KNN) algorithms as feature selections for selecting and choosing relevant features from customer review datasets. Information gain (IG), genetic algorithm (GA), and rough set attribute reduction (RSAR) were used as baseline algorithms in a performance comparison with the proposed algorithm. This paper will also discuss the significance test, which was used to evaluate the performance differences between the ACO-KNN, the IG-GA, and the IG-RSAR algorithms. The dependency relation algorithm was used to identify actual features commented by customers by linking the dependency relation between product feature and sentiment words in customers sentences. This study evaluated the performance of the ACOKNN algorithm using precision, recall, and F-score, which was validated using the parametric statistical significance tests. The evaluation process has statistically proven that this ACO-KNN algorithm has been significantly improved compared to the baseline algorithms. In addition, the experimental results have proven that the ACO-KNN can be used as a feature selection technique in sentiment analysis to obtain quality, optimal feature subset that can represent the actual data in customer review data

    Cube Polygon: A New Modified Euler Method to Improve Electric Circuit Efficiency

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    Euler method is a numerical order process for solving problems with the Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE). It is a fast and easy way. While Euler offers a simple procedure for solving ODEs, problems such as complexity, processing time and accuracy have driven others to use more sophisticated methods. Improvements to the Euler method have attracted much attention resulting in numerous modified Euler methods. This paper proposes Cube Polygon, a modified Euler method with improved accuracy and complexity. In order to demonstrate the accuracy and easy implementation of the proposed method, several examples are presented. Cube Polygon’s performance was compared to Polygon’s scheme and evaluated against exact solutions using SCILAB. Results indicate that not only Cube Polygon has produced solutions that are close to identical solutions for small step sizes, but also for higher step sizes, thus generating more accurate results and decrease complexity. Also known in this paper is the general of the RL circuit due to the ODE problem

    Perlombongan data prestasi pelajar siswazah menggunakan kaedah aruhan berasaskan atribut

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    Kertas kerja ini membincangkan dengan terperinci kaedah aruhan berasaskan atribut yang merupakan satu kaedah perlombongan data. Pelbagai jenis pengetahuan boleh diperoleh melalui kaedah ini antaranya petua pengelasan, petua ciri, petua pengelasan kuantitatif, petua ciri kuantitatif dan sebagainya. Konsep pengitlakan dan ringkasan merupakan perkara asas dalam melaksanakan kaedah ini. Pengitlakan data dilaksanakan ke atas satu set data yang relevan dengan cara penghapusan atribut, pohon konsep menaik, mengawal proses pengitlakan dengan menetapkan nilai ambang bagi atribut, pembilang perambatan dan nilai fungsi jumlah yang lain. Dua algoritma telah dibina iaitu algoritma kaedah aruhan berasaskan atribut dan algoritma arahan bahasa pertanyaan piawai. Algoritma arahan bahasa pertanyaan piawai bertindak sebagai perantaraan dengan pangkalan data dalam melaksanakan segala arahan bahasa pertanyaan piawai dengan pangkalan data hubungan. Kedua-dua algoritma ini saling berkaitan dalam melaksanakan kaedah aruhan berasaskan atribut yang berorientasikan bahasa pertanyaan piawai. Satu pangkalan data hubungan telah direka bentuk dan dibangunkan untuk menyimpan data pelajar siswazah Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat, UKM. Data ini digunakan dalam menguji kedua-dua algoritma tersebut. Satu set petua pengelasan dihasilkan yang mengandungi pengetahuan berkenaan pencapaian pelajar siswazah. Petua-petua ini diuji menggunakan set data uji untuk menentukan ketepatan pengelasannya. Hasil uji kaji menunjukkan set petua yang dihasilkan boleh digunakan untuk mengelaskan pencapaian pelajar siswazah pada masa akan datang

    Peraturan interaksi peristiwa komunikatif wawancara dalam akhbar

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    Peristiwa komunikatif wawancara merupakan suatu peristiwa dua hala yang bersifat interaktif. Dalam peristiwa komunikatif wawancara, pola komunikasi yang diujarkan melalui lakuan bahasa tertentu memberi makna mengikut maksud ujaran daripada pemeran. Komunikasi berkesan dapat mengungkap persoalan siapa, bila, bagaimana, dan apa yang dapat menjelaskan segala keraguan dalam sesuatu pola komunikasi. Ini secara tidak langsung menyentuh kepada penelitian terhadap komponen dalam peraturan interaksi. Justeru, persoalan tentang etiket bahasa perlu diberi penekanan, kerana etiket bahasa memberi perhatian kepada cara-cara bahasa diungkapkan, berteraskan peraturan sosial dan budaya komuniti penuturnya. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menghuraikan dan menjelaskan peraturan interaksi melalui pola komunikasi yang diujarkan oleh pemeran dalam peristiwa komunikatif. Tumpuan kajian adalah terhadap wawancara dalam akhbar Mingguan Malaysia dan Utusan Malaysia dengan memberi penelitian terhadap peraturan interaksi yang terdapat dalam peristiwa komunikatif wawancara akhbar. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengikut pendekatan etnografi komunikasi, dengan memberi tumpuan hanya kepada satu komponen, iaitu komponen norma interaksi. Berdasarkan kajian peristiwa komunikatif wawancara dalam akhbar ini didapati peraturan interaksi melalui penggunaan bahasa lisan dalam suasana formal dapat menyumbang kepada keberkesanan komunikasi dalam suatu hubungan sosial yang diseimbangkan dengan pemahaman terhadap latar budaya pemeran. Ini menjelaskan bahawa etiket bahasa amat dititiberatkan dalam mencapai matlamat suatu perbincangan yang interaktif. Kebijaksanaan pemeran dalam mematuhi peraturan interaksi yang menjadi nilai tradisi suatu komuniti dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memastikan komunikasi berkesan dicapai. Bahkan dalam suatu perbincangan interaktif kematangan setiap pemeran memberi hujah dapat dinilai daripada kemampuan pemeran memahami budaya yang melatari komuniti tertentu

    Pronunciation of Malay words among slow learners using clinical linguistics analysis

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    Slow learners often face issues when learning their first language. Since Malay is the functional language in Malaysia, students need to master it to facilitate the process of teaching and learning. However, poor vocabulary when speaking in the first language could affect the communication process, as seen among students who are slow learners. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the subjects’ pronunciation of various Malay words using posters and identify speech errors using clinical linguistics. Subsequently, the paper discussed the link between pronunciation and B. F. Skinner’s behaviourist theory of learning involving positive and negative reinforcement. Results showed that there was still incoherent pronunciation despite the subjects being 16 years old. However, after positive reinforcement, the subjects appeared more confident and spirited in pronouncing specific words correctly. The subjects also stumbled with 11 out of the 60 words tested. Standard pronunciation was also influenced by the dialects of their respective home states. On that account, continuous support and practice should be emphasised to encourage students to enunciate better. In future, this study could catalyse further research in the field of clinical linguistics on slow learners in Malaysia